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Video Maker & Vlogger

Starting in approximately 2016, Andy Wright Travel focused on disability accessible travel, home and abroad (mainly Thailand). Then, Talking Really was added around 2018, which aimed at providing disability related information and support. There are several other smaller channels, non-monetised.


Starting with Travel subjects, although it took a year or so to double down on the subject (the channel had everything on it, until subject matter was separated).   The channel hit monetisation almost immediately with a temporary blip when requirements changed. The channel soon qualified for the YPP programme and start to receive "Adsense" money, although it is quite a small amount (32p for around 4,000 views) because of the subscriber numbers, which in November 2023 still remain just below 2,400.

Two years after the travel channel a second one called Talking Really, took off and after a year or so was also monetised, having reached the prescribed levels for the YPP.  Now, in November 2023, this channel has overtaken subscriber numbers, with the total standing at around 3,200.

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Other Video Platform Outlets

Odysee came about after finding LBRY, a new alternative video storage platform where bitcoin type currency is the form of payment. Odysee is a derivitive of LBRY, which it uses as a model for operation, yet is more user friendly. The platform channels were set up as a mirror, and there are two sites, both with exact copy videos (automatically transferred) from the Youtube channels of the same name. So, Andy Wright Travel is here and Talking Really is here.  TR has around 650 subscribers (Nov 2023) and AWT has around 80 subscribers (Nov 2023)

When dabbling with alternative platforms, at the time when Youtube was playing up, the Bitchute channel "Andy Wright Online" was set up, find it here. In addition, Talking Really was set up and the automatic transfer from Youtube engaged, so videos were automatically transferred. The channel has stagnated at 228 (Nov 2023). Talking Really can be found here.

This platform was a more recent addition, with the prospect of doing livestreams, but as it turned out the requirement for 50 subscribers in order to qualify, has yet to be achieved.  Currently its 20 subscribers (Nov 2023).   Videos are mirrored from Youtube (the process takes 24-48 hours) with additional uploads for the more spicy topics. You can find the channel here.

Again, at a time of looking for alternatives, the channel "Andy Wright" was set up, but the platform limits the number and size of upload unless you pay.  One video is on the platform at the moment. Find it here.

This is a relatively new platform that professes to be censor free in a similar manner to BNT.  In these dark times of propaganda and censorship it is nice to have a reliable safe space to upload videos to, without worry about if it will be removed. After achieving 83 subscribers (Nov 2023) the increase in support has stagnated. During 2022-2023, due to constant technical issues with livestreaming and uploading videos it was decided to cease uploading in order to focus effort on the platforms bringing in the subscribers and the money. You can find the channel here.

This was a censorship free new platform where video subject matter can be literally anything. The TALKING REALLY UNCUT channel concentrated on disability related subjects, and the more extreme subject matter of current news importance (as of March 2021 this is the Covid19 pandemic response). Because this was created at the platform creation, the channel has grown organically and achieved "rhodium" status, for regular uploading of materials and loyalty.  Unfortunately, hackers took the platform down and videos have not been uploaded since.

Video & DVD Production

The "How To" series of instructional videos is how Arcade Video came about. Andy was looking to sell DVD's to his students and the wider audience, because many had requested something to help them at home.  Finding that producing videos of such a small and specialist nature meant there were very few companies offering this, and those that did had inflationary price tags.

Arcade Video was just another avenue, following the lines of Arcade Software (est. 1988), and has a large catalogue of titles available for purchase directly. 

Also offered is the opportunity for you to have your DVD, video or "production" filmed and mastered.  Conferences, training sessions, weddings etc are all things that can be catered for.

2023 - Arcade Software and Arcade Video have ceased operation, in order to consolidate efforts on business that brings rewards.

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